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Table 1 Mean number of calcified discs, visible on radiographic examination (CDVR), number of dogs having 4 or less and 5 and more CDVR and dogs having CDVR at surgery site in 100 surgeries for disc extrusion in different age groups.

From: Prevalence of radiographic detectable intervertebral disc calcifications in Dachshunds surgically treated for disc extrusion


≤ 4 years

Age groups

5-7 years

≥ 8 years

Nr of dogs in groups




Mean nr of CDVR ± SD

5.74 ± 3.24a

5.17 ± 3.83a

2.4 ± 3.42b

Nr of dogs with ≤ 4 CDVR

10 (37%)

27 (51%)

16 (80%)

Nr of dogs with ≥ 5 CDVR

17 (63%)

26 (49%)

4 (20%)

CDVR at surgery site

14 (52%)ab

35 (66%)b

5 (25%)a

  1. a, b different superscript letters indicate statistically significant (p < 0.05) difference between age groups within row