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Table 2 Association between number of years working with pigs and diagnostic performance

From: Evaluation of farmers’ diagnostic performance for detection of diarrhoea in nursery pigs using digital pictures of faecal pools

Diagnostic measure

Working with pigs

Mean (SD)


Proportion of faecal pools assessed as diarrhoeic

< 4 years

0.53 (0.08)


≥ 4 years

0.48 (0.12)


Proportion of correctly classified faecal pools*

< 4 years

0.88 (0.06)


≥ 4 years

0.84 (0.09)


Diagnostic sensitivity for detection of diarrhoeic faecal pools*

< 4 years



≥ 4 years



Diagnostic specificity for detection of diarrhoeic faecal pools*

< 4 years

0.86 (0.10)



≥ 4 years

0.86 (0.13)

  1. #Result from generalized linear mixed models.
  2. *For each observer the diagnostic sensitivity was calculated as the number of digital pictures assessed as diarrhoeic divided by the true number of digital pictures displaying diarrhoeic faecal pools. The diagnostic specificity was calculated as the number of digital pictures assessed as normal divided by the true number of digital pictures displaying normal faecal pools. Faecal dry matter ≤18% was reference standard for classification of individual faecal pools.
  3. Association between the total number of years a farmer had been working with pigs and the diagnostic performance for farmers (n = 119) in assessment of diarrhoea in growing pigs using 16 digital pictures of faecal pools.