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Fig. 2 | Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica

Fig. 2

From: Twenty-four-hour ambulatory electrocardiography characterization of heart rhythm in Vipera berus-envenomed dogs

Fig. 2

Total number of ventricular depolarizations in the first 24 h (+ number of hours from envenomation episode until start of 24-h ambulatory ECG recordings) after Vipera berus envenomation in eight dogs with pathologic arrhythmias. Dogs with identities B and F experienced a decrease (all P < 0.039) in total number of ventricular depolarizations. Dogs with identities A, E, and H experienced an increase (all P < 0.019) in total number of ventricular depolarizations. A logarithmic transformation of the total number of ventricular depolarizations was performed to achieve a normal distribution. P values are from the univariate regression models

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