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Fig. 2 | Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica

Fig. 2

From: Changes in dairy cows’ behaviour, health, and production after transition from tied to loose housing

Fig. 2

Estimated percentage (± standard error) of body positions and more frequent general behaviours on different days (dots with error bars) and periods (bold horizontal lines). P-values indicate the significance of period and day nested to period effects according to the logistic model, also considering the effects of external disturbing factors, group and group-by-period interaction, and random effect of observer (except walking and drinking) and the first order autoregressive co-variation structure of model errors corresponding to observations made in the same group on the same day. Letters above the figures denote statistical significance of between periods differences (periods without a common letter are statistically significantly different: Tukey post-hoc test for pairwise comparisons, P < 0.05)

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