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Table 3 Mitigation strategies used by responding pig producers to avoid contact with wild boar

From: Understanding the interface between European wild boar (Sus scrofa) and domestic pigs (Sus scrofa domesticus) in Sweden through a questionnaire study



Hunting of wild boar in the area

126 (61.2%)

‘Strategic feeding’, baiting off-site

31 (15.0%)


11 (5.3%)

Double fence around pigs with outdoor accessa, b

4 (1.9%)

Perimeter fence around production sitea

4 (1.9%)


69 (33.5%)

  1. Measures used to avoid wild boar presence at pig production holdings in Sweden as stated by the producers (n = 206)
  2. a) One respondent had both types of fences, the remaining three in each fence category had either perimeter fence or double fence around the outdoor pig enclosure
  3. b) Sixteen producers of pigs with outdoor access replied to the question, hence 25% of relevant producers replied having a double fence