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Table 1 Cubicle use by cows and heifers in cubicle sheds throughout the final week of pregnancy.

From: Cubicle Refusal and Rearing Accommodation as Possible Mastitis Risk Factors in Cubicle-Housed Dairy Heifers


Age group

Cubicle use throughout the final week of pregnancy

Heifers expecting first calf (n1 = 368)

Cows expecting second calf (n2 = 261)

Older cows (n3 = 415)

Consistent or occasional cubicle refusal, total or with hind quarters

107 (29%)

8 (3%)

12 (3%)

Consistent cubicle use

261 (71%)

253 (97%)

403 (97%)

  1. OR of cubicle refusal in heifers compared to cows: 13.29 (c.i.95%OR = 7.89–22.61, P < 0.01)