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Table 1 Impact of liver blending time, incubation time of agar-gels, and addition of gentamycin on numbers of A. suum larvae (mean ± D) recovered from liver tissue of pigs. Every hour gels were transferred to new jars and migrated larvae were sedimented 1 h in incubation jars, followed by 1 h sedimentation in conical beakers, n = 4.

From: Optimization of the Agar-gel Method for Isolation of Migrating Ascaris suumLarvae From the Liver and Lungs of Pigs

Blending time

Larval count after incubation (hours) of agar-gels



1 h

2 h

3 h

4 h


30 sec

41 ± 16

18 ± 20

25 ± 16

6 ± 7


60 sec

141 ± 68

75 ± 31

67 ± 19

22 ± 17


60 sec + gentamycin

167 ± 59

49 ± 39

41 ± 23

15 ± 9


  1. Counts with different "superscripts" are significantly different (p < 0.01)