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Table 2 Heart rate (HR), respiratory rates (RR), rectal temperature (Rectal T) and hock-to-hock distance (H–H) measured in cows challenged with intramammary LPS (lipopolysaccharide), LTA (lipoteichoic acid) or saline (control group)

From: Experimentally induced subclinical mastitis: are lipopolysaccharide and lipoteichoic acid eliciting similar pain responses?


Control day

Challenge day

2 h

4 h

6 h

8 h

2 h

4 h

6 h

8 h

HR (beats/min)


76 (69–80)

71.5 (64–73)

71 (64–72)

74.5 (62–78)

69.5 (60–78)

71 (60–75)

71.5 (60–74)

70 (60–78)


69 (64–79)

71 (66–82)

71 (66–81)

71 (69–79)

67 (65–71)

67 (64–77)

76 (72–77)

70 (64–81)


68 (62–73.5)

66.5 (59.5–72)

61.5 (57–71)

66 (61–70)

62.5 (57.5–67.5)

69 (62–70.5)

63.5 (58.5–66)

61.5 (57–67.5)

RR (breaths/min)


30 (28–32)

32 (28–32)

32 (24–40)

32 (28–36)

28 (28–36)

32 (28–36)

30 (24–32)

30 (28–32)


32 (28–36)

32 (28–40)

36 (32–44)

32 (32–48)

32 (32–44)

32 (28–44)

44 (32–44)

36 (32–40)


32 (28–34)

28 (22–38)

28 (26–42)

32 (30–36)

30 (24–36)

32 (28–38)

28 (24–40)

30 (28–40)

Rectal T (°C)


38.1 (37.9–38.4)

38 (37.9–38.4)

38.2 (38.1–38.4)

38.1 (37.9–38.5)

38.2 (37.9–38.5)

38.3 (38.1–39.0)

38.4 (38.3–39.4)

38.8 (38.1–39.2)


38.3 (38.2–38.5)

38.2 (38–38.3)

38.3 (38.3–38.4)

38.5 (38–38.5)

38.3 (38.2–38.4)

38.4 (38.3–38.4)

38.5 (38.2–38.6)

38.7 (38.4–39.0)


38.1 (37.9–38.3)

38.1 (37.9–38.3)

38.1 (37.9–38.3)

38.2 (38.1–38.3)

38.1 (38–38.1)

38.3 (38.1–38.3)

38.1 (38–38.2)

38.1 (38.1–38.3)

H–H (cm)


22.5 (18–25)

21 (17–28)

20 (16–30)

26 (15–28)

22 (20–23)

23.5 (15–26)

20.5 (14–25)

23.5 (17–27)


23 (20–24)

22 (22–22)

22 (20–24)

22 (20–23)

18 (15–20)

20 (16–25)

23 (22–25)

23 (20–24)


23 (17.5–24.5)

23.5 (17–26)

25 (19.5–28)

25 (20–27.5)

22.5 (17.5–25)

24 (23–26.5)

24.5 (24–27.5)

22 (19–26)

  1. On the control day, the intramammary challenge, milk and blood sampling were simulated. Medians and interquartile ranges (IQR) at 2, 4, 6 and 8 h after the simulated challenge (control day)/challenge (challenge day) are reported