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Table 2 Monitoring values

From: Comparison of the neuromuscular effects of two infusion rates of rocuronium in anesthetized pigs


PR (beats/min)

RR (breaths/min)

SpO2 (%)

EtCO2 (kPa)


SAP (mmHg)

T, skin (ÂşC)

T, central (ÂşC)

L, initial

85 (62–103)

14 (12–16)

100 (98–100)

5.1 (4.7–5.6)

7.47 (7.42–7.58)

66 (53–78)*

36.5 (36.0–38.0)**

37.7 (36.6–38.4)**

H, initial

79 (71–81)

12 (11–13)

100 (100–100)

5.2 (5.0-5.4)

7.45 (7.25–7.53)

82 (77–90)

34.5 (34.5–35.7)

36.3 (35.0-36.7)

L, general

87 (62–124)

14 (12–16)

100 (96–100)

5.1 (4.6–5.9)

7.45 (7.38–7.58)

69 (53–86)#

36.0 (35.1–38.0)

38.0 (36.6–38.4)##

H, general

75 (64–101)

12 (10–17)

100 (99–100)

5.0 (4.6–5.8)

7.43 (7.18–7.53)

83 (61–97)

35.6 (33.4–37.3)

36.5 (34.5–37.7)

  1. Values displayed as median (minmum-maximum). pH is temperature corrected. Initial monitoring values were recorded just before rocuronium dosing. General monitoring values were recorded every 15 min throughout the experiment and pooled for all animals. n = 7 per group. For individual monitoring data please refer to Additional file 1
  2. PR pulse rate. RR respiration rate, SpO2 oxygen saturation. EtCO2 end-tidal carbon dioxide, SAP systolic arterial pressure, T skin skin temperature, T central central temperature
  3. *P < 0.05 when compared to H, initial
  4. **P < 0.01 when compared to H, initial
  5. #P < 0.05 when compared to H, general
  6. ##P < 0.01 when compared to H, general