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Table 5 Integrated herd health program.

From: What are Production Diseases, and How do We Manage Them?

The cow

The herd

1. Early professional treatment.

5. Processing data.

   a. Early diagnosis of clinical and sub-clinical disease through routine tests.

   a. Establishing targets.

   b. A regular presence on the farm.

   b. Issuing monitoring reports.

   c. Treatment by veterinarian.


2. Prevention of disease.

6. Intervention.

   a. Follow up of feeding plans.

   a. Epidemiological evaluation.

   b. Advancement of vaccination and prevention plans.

   b. Conclusions.


   c. Cost/benefit evaluation.


   d. Recommendations.

3. Use of "real time" laboratories.

7. Evaluation of results.

4. Recording of data.