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Table 1 Clinical and laboratory variables in the study

From: Evaluation of Clinical and Laboratory Variables as Prognostic Indicators in Hospitalised Gastrointestinal Colic Horses

Clinical variables

Heart rate/min

Respiratory rate/min

Rectal temperature °C

Mucous membranes (normal/abnormal)

Capillary refill time (CRT) sec

Pain (no pain/moderate/severe)

Abdominal activity (no sounds/decreased/normal/increased)

Distended small intestine by rectal examination (yes/no)

Pain by rectal examination (yes/no)

Reflux through naso-pharyngeal tube (yes/no)

Laboratory variables

Packed cell volume (PCV) %

Haemoglobin g/l

Total protein g/l

α-, β- and γ-globulin g/l

Albumin g/l

Fibrinogen g/l

Anion Gap (Na+ + K+-(Cl- + HCO3)) mmol/l

Na+ mmol/l

K+ mmol/l

Cl- mmol/l

Total Ca mmol/l

Mg++ mmol/l

Lactate mmol/l

HCO3 - mmol/l

Arterial pO2 kPa

Arterial pCO2 kPa

Standard Base Excess (SBE) mmol/l


D-dimer mg/l