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Table 1 Notations used in the model to quantify the probability of freedom from Echinococcus multilocularis in Sweden, Finland and mainland Norway

From: Combining information from surveys of several species to estimate the probability of freedom from Echinococcus multilocularis in Sweden, Finland and mainland Norway



P* Sp

Design prevalence at the animal level for species Sp.


Sample of animals of the same species tested with the same test during the same year.

Sa s Se Sp, t, y

Sample sensitivity: The probability of detection of EM in sample s of animals tested of species Sp with test t in year y.


The annual probability of introduction and establishment of the infection in the country


The posterior probability of freedom from infection in the country


Prior probability of infection in the country


Species: Species of animals (red foxes, raccoon dogs, domestic pigs, wild boars) or animal population (voles) included in the surveillance


Surveillance system component, the surveillance performed in one species

SSCSe Sp, y

The surveillance system component sensitivity for one species Sp for one year y

SSSe y

The surveillance system sensitivity: The combined sensitivity for all SSC for year y

Se t

The sensitivity of an individual test