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Table 2 Relative transcript levels of classical PPARα target genes involved in fatty acid uptake, fatty acid oxidation and ketogenesis in the liver of lactating and non-lactating sows on day 20 of lactation

From: Genes involved in carnitine synthesis and carnitine uptake are up-regulated in the liver of sows during lactation


Non-lactating (n = 10)

Lactating (n = 10)

Fatty acid uptake



1 ± 0.36

1.88 ± 0.87*


1 ± 0.60

4.63 ± 1.02*

Fatty acid oxidation



1 ± 0.59

2.43 ± 1.47*


1 ± 0.41

2.14 ± 1.47*




1 ± 0.70

4.86 ± 2.25*


1 ± 1.14

9.63 ± 6.67*

  1. Values represent mean ± SD for n = 10 sows per group. *Significantly different from non-lactating group (P < 0.05).