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Table 4 Results from the statistical models where significant associations were found between herd factors and reproductive performance

From: Associations between housing and management factors and reproductive performance in 327 Norwegian sheep flocks


Barren ewes, %

Lambs born per pregnant ewe


Lamb mortality,%a

Lambs per eweb

Descriptive statistics







Demographic measures


Family category of caretaker



Age of caretaker



Sheep husbandry – total production




Housing and management


Ewes per pen




Regrouping during the indoor period




Use of housing facilities during the lambing season





  1. (*P = <0.05, **P = <0.01, ***P = 0.001).
  2. aMortality rate of live born lambs in the indoor period.
  3. bLambs per ewe at the end of the indoor period.