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Abaxial Implantation of the Middle Piece in Spermatozoa and Spermatids in Related Sterile Boars
Abaxial mittstycksimplantation hos spermier och spermatider hos besläktade sterila galtar
Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica volume 26, pages 513–520 (1985)
Spermatozoa and developing spermatids showing neck region abnormalities have been studied in material from 2 genetically related boars. In both boars the defects were abaxial implantation of the tails and lack of substance in the neck region. In many spermatozoa, a too wide space between the capitulum and the basal plate was more pronounced in epididymal spermatozoa compaired to testicular material. This implies that the defect aggravated, and might be connected with the migration of the cytoplasmic droplet in the epididymis. Since the defects were observed in spermatids, it its concluded that the defects were heriditary.
This conclusion was further supported by the observation of similar defects in 6 other related boars, examined by light microscopy only.
Spermier med abaxialt infästade mittstycken från 2 galtar som var helbröder har studerats. Elektronmikroskopiska undersökningar visade att material saknades i spermiernas halsstycken, samt bekräftade den abaxiala spermiesvansinfästningen. En annan vanligt förekommande defekt hos spermierna var för brett mellanrum mellan capitulum och “striated columns”. Denna defekt var mer markant hos bitestikelspermier än hos spermatider, vilket talar för att defekten aggraverar under passagen genom bitestikeln och kan vara kopplad till cytoplasmadroppens vandring längs spermiens mittstycke. Det faktum att sådana defekter observerades redan hos avlånga spermatider, talar för att de är ärftliga. Denna slutsats styrks av iakttagelsen av liknande defekter hos 6 besläktade galtar.
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Thilander, G., Settergren, I. & Plöen, L. Abaxial Implantation of the Middle Piece in Spermatozoa and Spermatids in Related Sterile Boars. Acta Vet Scand 26, 513–520 (1985). https://doi.org/10.1186/BF03546523
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/BF03546523