- Published:
Spontaneous Aortic Lesions in Moose (Alces Alces L)
Spontana aortaskador hos älg (Alces alces L)
Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica volume 26, pages 533–548 (1985)
In 17 out of 22 aortas from moose, 6 months to more than 18 years, aortic lesions were found. Five different types of lesions were observed, fatty streaks were seen in 1, fibrous plaques in 7, fatty streaks with complicated lesions (calcification and acid mucopolysaccharides) in 3, fibrous plaques with complicated lesions in 2 and fibrous plaques with complicated lesions and fat droplets in 4 of the aortas.
Elastic tissue degeneration of the inner two thirds of the tunica media was principally found in the aorta of the animals beyond 4 year of age. There was no statistical evidence for a correlation between age and frequency but a trend towards age dependence was seen. The percentage of involved surface was found to increase significantly (0.05 > P > 0.02) with age. There was no significant difference between affected male and female animals in the different age groups. The frequency of involved surface in different affected regions, comprising all age groups were, in the posterior abdominal portion, 13.0 %, in the anterior abdominal portion, 3.0 %, in the posterior thoracic portion 5.2 %, in the anterior thoracic portion, 0.1 % and in the aortic arch, 0.1 %. Proliferating endothelial cells and the source of smooth muscle cells were discussed.
Hos 17 av 22 älgar, 6 månader — aldre an 18 år, förelåg aortaskador. Fem olika typer av skador påvisades; stråk av fett i 1, fibrösa knutor i 1, stråk av fett med komplicerande skador (förkalkning och sura mucosaccharider) i 3, fibrösa knutor med komplicerande skador i 2 och fibrösa knutor med komplicerande skador och fett droppar i 4 aortor. Degeneration av elastisk vävnad, i de inre två tredjedelarna av tunica media, sågs huvudsakligen hos djur äldre än 4 år.
Det förelåg inget statistiskt säkerställt förhållande mellan ålder och frekvens (P~0,10) men däremot en tendens till åldersbetingelse. Procenten förändrad yta befanns öka signifikant (0,05 > Ρ > 0,02) med ålder. Signifikanta skillnader mellan könen i olika åldersgrupper förelåg ej.
Frekvensen inbegripen yta i olika skadade delar, omfattande alla åldersgrupper var; bakre abdominala delen 13,0 %, bakre thorakala delen 5,2 %, främre thorakala delen 0,1 % och aortabågen 0,1 %.
Prolifererande endotheliala celler och ursprunget för glatta muskelceller diskuteras.
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Poungshompoo, S., Rehbinder, C. Spontaneous Aortic Lesions in Moose (Alces Alces L). Acta Vet Scand 26, 533–548 (1985). https://doi.org/10.1186/BF03546525
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/BF03546525