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The Effect of Intramuscularly Administered Vitamin D3 on Serum Vitamin D Metabolites and Electrolytes in Vitamin D3 Deficient Dairy Cows

Effekten av intramuskulärt tillfört vitamin D3 på serumkoncentrationen av D-vitaminmetaboliter och elektkrolyter hos D-vitamindeficienta kor


The effect of intramuscular administration of vitamin D3 (1×106 IU D3/100 kg bodyweight) to 3 different dairy breeds on the serum levels of vitamin D3, 25-OH-D2, 25-OH-D3, Ca, inorganic P and Mg was studied.

The vitamin metabolites and the electrolytes were analysed on 9 occasions during a 36-day period. Vitamin D3 was analysed on 6 occasions during the same period. No significant breed differences were observed except for 25-OH-D3 (P ≤ 0.05). The D3 level rose in 1 day from < 2 ng/ml to 906 ng/ml and decreased to below 50 % of the peak level after 6 days. At the end of the experiment (day 36) vitamin D3 was < 2 ng/ml. 25-OH-D3 rose from < 2 ng/ml to 106 ng/ml in 6 days and stayed at this level during the whole experiment. 25-OH-D2 decreased from 16 ng/ml to 5 ng/ml during the observation period.


Effekten av intramuskulär tillförsel av D-vitamin (1×106 IU D3/ 100 kg kroppsvikt) till 3 mjölkkoraser studerades.

Ca, oorganiskt Ρ, Mg, 25-hydroxyvitamin-D2 och 25-hydroxyvitamin-D3 i serum analyserades vid nio tillfällen under en 36-dagars period. Vitamin D3 analyserades vid 6 tillfällen under samma period. Inga rasskillnader kunde konstateras utom för 25-OH-D3 (P ≤ 0.05). D3-nivåen steg in om ett dygn från < 2 ng/ml till 905 ng/ml för att sedan sjunka till under halva toppvärdet på 6 dagar. På dag 36 var halten åter < 2 ng/ml. 25-OH-D3 steg från < 2 ng/ml till 106 ng/ml på 6 dagar och låg sedan kvar på denna nivå under hela observationstiden. 25-OH-D2-nivån minskade från 16 ng/ml til 5 ng/ml under försökets gång.


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The investigation was financially supported by grants from the Sweoish Council for Forestry and Agricultural Research.

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Sturén, M. The Effect of Intramuscularly Administered Vitamin D3 on Serum Vitamin D Metabolites and Electrolytes in Vitamin D3 Deficient Dairy Cows. Acta Vet Scand 26, 179–190 (1985).

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