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Vaccination Against Ringworm of Calves in Specialized Beef Production

Vaccination mot ringorm hos kalvar i specialiserad köttdjurs-produktion


To evaluate the effect of vaccination with a Russian live vaccine (LTF 130) against ringworm in specialized beef production, half of the calves on 3 farms were vaccinated on arrival with 5 ml. A booster vaccination was given 2 weeks later. Statistically significant protection was achieved only on 1 of these farms. When the vaccine dose was increased to 2×10 ml on 2 farms, a statistically and biologically significant preventive effect was recorded at both.


I 3 besättningar vaccinerades ca hälften av kalvarna vid 3–7 veckors ålder mot ringorm med 2 × 5 ml av ett ryskt, levande vaccin. Signifikant positiv effekt uppnåddes endast i 1 av dessa besättningar. En höjning av vaccindosen till 2 × 10 ml i 2 besättningar medförde ett signifikant skydd mot sjukdomen i båda besättningarna.


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Törnquist, M., Bendixen, P.H. & Pehrson, B. Vaccination Against Ringworm of Calves in Specialized Beef Production. Acta Vet Scand 26, 21–29 (1985).

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