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Screening for Neutralizing Antibodies Against Hog Cholera- and/or Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus in Danish Pigs

Undersøgelse af danske svinesera for neutraliserende antistoffer mod svinepestvirus og bovin virus diarrhe virus


Three thousand Danish porcine field sera were tested for the possible presence of neutralizing antibodies for Hog Cholera (HC) and Bovine viral Diarrhea (BVD).

The technique used was a microplate neutralization test read by peroxidase-linked antibody assay (NPLA) in the HG examination, and by cytopathogenic effect in the BVD examination. The initial dilution of the test sera was 1:2.

BVD-antibodies were demonstrated in 6.4 % of the sera, while all the sera were found to be free from antibodies to HG-virus.


3000 danske svinesera er undersøgt for muligt indhold af neutraliserende antistoffer overfor svinepest (SP)-virus og bovin virus diarrhe (BVD)-virus. BVD-antistoffer blev påvist i 6,4 % af materialet, medens antistoffer forårsaget af SP-virus ikke blev påvist.

Neutralisationstitreringerne blev udført i mikroplader og for SP-undersøgelsens vedkommende aflæst under anvendelse af „peroxidaselinked antibody (NPLA) assay”. BVD-undersøgelsen blev aflæst ved hjælp af den cytopatogene effekt af det anvendte BVD-virus.


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Jensen, M.H. Screening for Neutralizing Antibodies Against Hog Cholera- and/or Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus in Danish Pigs. Acta Vet Scand 26, 72–80 (1985).

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