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Comparison of Sampling and Isolation Procedures for Recovery of Yersinia Enterocolitica Serotype 0:3 from the Oral Cavity of Slaughter Pigs

En sammenligning av prøvetakings- og isolasjonsprosedyrer ved undersøkelse av Yersinia enterocolitica serotype 0:3 i munnhulen hos slaktegriser.


Yersinia enterocolitica serotype 0:3/biotype 4 was isolated from the oral cavity of altogether 32 (68.1 %) of 47 freshly eviscerated slaughter pigs. Most efficient recovery was achieved by cultivation of tissue samples from both tongue and tonsils of the same individual. The isolation rate so obtained was significantly higher than that obtained by separate examination of either tonsil swabs or tongue swabs. However, the isolation frequency achieved by combined swabbing of the 2 sites was not significantly different. In general, tonsils were more productive for the recovery of 0:3 strains than were tongues, and tissue samples yielded higher isolation rates than did swabs. Three-week cold enrichment in a low selective medium proved essential for optimal recovery. However, the highest number of isolates was obtained using a combination of methods, including direct plating and selective enrichment in a modified Rappaport broth in addition to cold enrichment.


I alt ble Y. enterocolitica serotype 0:3/biotype 4 isolert fra tunger eller tonsiller fra 32 (68,1 %) av 47 nylig slaktede griser. Flest antall isolater fremkom etter dyrking av vevsmateriale fra både tunge og tonsiller hos samme individ. Denne prosedyren gav maksimal isolasjonsrate og var signifikant bedre enn svabermetoden nyttet på enten tunge eller tonsiller. Dersom det ble foretatt svabring av begge organer, var det imidlertid ingen signifikant forskjell. Tonsiller syntes å være en bedre kilde enn tunger når det gjelder 0:3 stammer. Tre ukers kuldeoppformering var den beste enkeltmetoden for isolasjon av 0:3 stammer. Flest isolater ble oppnådd ved kombinasjon av flere metoder, inkludert direkte utsæd og selektiv oppformering i modifisert Rappaport buljong i tillegg til kuldeoppformering.


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Nesbakken, T. Comparison of Sampling and Isolation Procedures for Recovery of Yersinia Enterocolitica Serotype 0:3 from the Oral Cavity of Slaughter Pigs. Acta Vet Scand 26, 127–135 (1985).

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