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Listeriosis in Sheep

Listeriose hos sau. Førekomst av Listeria monocytogenes i silofôr

Isolation of Listeria Monocytogenes from Grass Silage


Two hundred and ninety-one grass silage samples from 113 farms with recent outbreaks of listeriosis were examined for the presence of Listeria monocytogenes (Lm). The frequency of Lm isolations increased with increasing pH. Lm was isolated from 22 % of the samples with pH < 4, from 37 % with pH 4–5 and from 56 % with pH > 5. Formic acid had been used as additive.

A similar investigation was carried out on 32 samples from a farm with no outbreak of listeriosis during the investigation period. Lm was isolated from 9 samples.


291 siloprøver frå 113 gardar der det nyleg hadde vore utbrot av listeriose, er blitt undersøkte for Listeria monocytogenes (Lm). Talet på positive prøver auka med stigande pH. Lm blei isolert frå 22 % av prøvene med pH < 4, frå 37 % med pH 4–5 og frå 56 % med pH > 5. Alle prøvene var tilsett maursyre.

32 prøver frå ein gard der det ikkje hadde vore utbrot av listeriose i undersøkingsperioden, blei undersøkte på same måte. Lm blei påvist i 9 prøver.


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This work was supported by grants from the Norwegian Agricultural Research Council.

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Grønstøl, H. Listeriosis in Sheep. Acta Vet Scand 20, 492–497 (1979).

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