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Presence of Trichinella Spiralis in Free-Living Red Foxes (Vulpes Vulpes) in Sweden Related to Trichinella Infection in Swine and Man

Förekomst av trikiner (Trichinella spiralis) hos fritt tevande rödräv (Vulpes vulpes) i Sverige i relation till påvisade trikinfall hos svin och människa.


One thousand one hundred and fifty-one free-living foxes (Vulpes vulpes) from different parts of Sweden were investigated. Totally 19.6 % were infected with trichinella. Infected foxes were found in all counties except the geographically isolated island of Gotland. In the different counties 6–48 % of investigated foxes were infected.

Trichinella was more common in old foxes than in young, 40 % and 11 %, respectively. Regarding male and female, however, the frequency was the same.

The number of trichinella per g of muscle varied between 0.05 and 200. Less than 1.0 trichinella larva per g muscle was established in 27.3 % of the foxes, between 1 and 49.9 trichinella larvae in 69.3 % and 50 or more trichinella larvae per g muscle in 3.4 % of the foxes. The number of trichinella larvae per infected fox was roughly the same in both sexes as well as in different age groups.

The potential danger of transmitting trichinella from foxes and other carnivores to swine and man is pointed out.

The high frequency of trichinella in foxes, 19.6 %, was compared to the very low frequency in swine, 0.00018 %, and in man, 0.00003 %.


1151 fritt levande rävar (Vulpes vulpes) från olika delar av Sverige undersöktes. Av dessa var 19,6 % infekterade med Trichinella. Infekterade rävar forekom i alia landskap utom på Gotland. I de olika länen var 6–48 % av de undersökta rävarna infekterade.

Hos gamla rävar var trichinos vanligare än hos unga, 40 % resp. 11 % var infekterade. Däremot var trikiner lika vanliga hos han- som honrävar.

Antalet trikiner per gram muskulatur varierade melian 0,05–200. Mindre än 1,0 trikin per gram muskulatur påvisades hos 27,3 % av rävarna, melian 1 och 49,9 trikiner hos 69,3 % och över 49,9 trikiner per gram muskulatur hos 3,4 % av rävarna. Antalet trikiner per individ var i stort lika hos de båda könen och även inom olika aldersgrupper.

Den potentiella risken för spridande av trichinos från rävar och andra carnivorer till svin och människa påpekas. Den höga frekvensen trikinfall hos rävar, 19,6 %, jämföres med de mycket låga frekvenserna hos svin, 0,00018 % och hos människa, 0,00003 %.


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Ronéus, O., Christensson, D. Presence of Trichinella Spiralis in Free-Living Red Foxes (Vulpes Vulpes) in Sweden Related to Trichinella Infection in Swine and Man. Acta Vet Scand 20, 583–594 (1979).

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