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Isolation of Mycobacterium Paratuberculosis from Sheep and Cattle in Iceland

Isolering au Mycobacterium paratuberculosis fra sau og storfe på Island


Isolation of Mycobacterium paratuberculosis from sheep and cattle in Iceland. Acta vet. scand. 1979, 20, 191–199. — Culture experiments concerning the Icelandic variant of Mycobacterium paratuberculosis are described. Various decontaminating agents and culture media were employed and the colonial morphology of freshly isolated strains on different media described. The growth rate and culture requirements are compared with those of the Norwegian goat-pathogenic variant of M. paratuberculosis. For primary isolation modified Herrold’s medium gave the best results. However, on all the various culture media used, the growth of the Icelandic variant was much more sporadic than that of the Norwegian goatpathogenic variant. It is concluded that bacteriological culture is not useful for the diagnosis of Johne’s disease caused by the Icelandic variant of M. paratuberculosis.


Dyrkningsforsøk med den islandske Varianten av Mycobacterium paratuberculosis beskrives. Forskjeilige dekontamineringsmidler og kulturmedier ble brukt i forsøk på å isolere denne Varianten. Vekstevne og veksthastighet hos den islandske og den norske geitepatogene Varianten av M. paratuberculosis ble sammenlignet. For primær isolering ga oxalsyredekontaminering og utsæd på modifisert Herrold’s kulturmedium best resultater. Imidlertid var veksten av den islandske Varianten langt dårligere enn av den norske Varianten også på dette medium. Det konkluderes med at bakteriologisk dyrking er lite egnet for diagnostisering av paratuberkulose forårsaket av den islandske Varianten av M. paratuberculosis.


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This work was supported by grants from the Agricultural Research Council of Norway and the Institute for Experimental Pathology, Keldur, Iceland.

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Gunnarsson, E. Isolation of Mycobacterium Paratuberculosis from Sheep and Cattle in Iceland. Acta Vet Scand 20, 191–199 (1979).

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