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The Distribution of 35S-Sulfadiazine and 14G-Trimethoprim in Rainbow Trout, Salmo Gairdneri

Fordelingen av 35S-sulfadiazin og 14C-trimethoprim hos regnbueørret, Salmo gairdneri


The distribution of 35S-labelled sulfadiazine and 14G-labelled trimethoprim was studied in rainbow trout by use of whole body autoradiography and liquid scintillation. As compared to mammals, gastrointestinal absorption and elimination were slow. Accumulation in the skin and the uveal tract of the eye was observed for both drugs tested. The results also indicated that the bile was an important route of excretion. Considerable radioactivity was still present in the skin at 144 hr. survival time.


Fordelingen av 35S-merket sulfadiazin og 14C-merket trimethoprim hos regnbueørret ble undersøkt ved hjelp av helkropps autoradiografi og scintillasjonstelling. Man fant generelt en langsom gastrointestinal absorpsjon og eliminasjon sammenlignet med pattedyr. Akkumulering i hud og øye ble observert for begge de undersøkte farmaka. Resultatene indikerte også at gallen var en viktig ekskresjonsvei. Det var fremdeles en betydelig radioaktivitet i huden 144 timer etter administering.


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Bergsjø, T., Nafstad, I. & Ingebrigtsen, K. The Distribution of 35S-Sulfadiazine and 14G-Trimethoprim in Rainbow Trout, Salmo Gairdneri. Acta Vet Scand 20, 25–37 (1979).

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