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An Improved Microbiological Procedure for Detection of Streptomycin Residues in Milk and Animal Tissues

En forbedret mikrobiologisk metode til påvisning af streptomycinrester i mælk og animait væu


A method is described which allows detection of 0.025 µg streptomycin sulfate per ml. This represents an improvement of sensitivity by 8 times when compared with the currently used method. By adding penicillin to the assay medium in subinhibitory concentrations, a synergistic effect of streptomycin and penicillin is exerted towards the test organism, Bacillus subtilis, resulting in an increased sensitivity to streptomycin.


Der beskrives en metode, der tillader påvisning af 0,025 µg streptomycin sulfat pr. ml. Dette er en forbedring af følsomheden på 8 gange sammenlignet med den for tiden anvendte metode. Ved at sætte penicillin til substratet i subinhibitive koncentrationer opnås en synergistisk virkning af streptomycin og penicillin over for testorganismen, Bacillus subtilis, hvilket resulterer i en forøget følsomhed for streptomycin.


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Søgaard, H. An Improved Microbiological Procedure for Detection of Streptomycin Residues in Milk and Animal Tissues. Acta Vet Scand 20, 38–44 (1979).

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