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Renal Excretion of Digoxin in Swine and Goats

Renal ekskretion af digoxin hos svin og geder


In experiments on swine and goats the renal excretion of digoxin was examined, and it was found that the renal clearance of non-protein-bound digoxin in swine was lower than creatinine clearance which expresses filtration clearance. Correlation analysis showed that the renal clearance of digoxin in swine was not significantly influenced by the concentration of non-protein-bound digoxin in plasma and the pH of the urine, while there was a significant positive correlation between the clearance and the urine flow rate (Table 4). On the other hand, the renal clearance of digoxin in goats was significantly influenced by the concentration of non-proteinbound digoxin in plasma and by urine pH (Table 4). From these results it is concluded that glomerular filtration and back-diffusion are involved in the renal handling of digoxin in both swine and goats. In addition active tubular secretion is also involved in the renal excretion of digoxin in goats.


Den renale ekskretion af digoxin er blevet undersøgt hos svin og geder. Undersøgelsen viste, at den renale ekskretion af ikke-proteinbundet digoxin hos svin var lavere end filtrations clearance besternt ved hjælp af kreatinin. En korrelationsanalyse (tabel 4) viste, at den renale clearance af digoxin hos svin i disse forsøg var uafhængig af koncentrationen af ikke-protein-bundet digoxin i plasma og af urinens pH, mens der var en tydelig positiv korrelation mellem clearance og diurese (tabel 4). Forsøgene på geder viste, at den renale clearance af digoxin var signifikant afhængig af koncentrationen af ikke-proteinbundet digoxin i plasma og af urinens pH (tabel 4). På grundlag af de opnåede resultater konkluderes, at såvel glomerular filtration som tilbagediffusion er involveret i den renale ekskretion af digoxin hos både svin og geder. Hos geder er der tillige påvist aktiv tubulær Sekretion af digoxin.


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Rasmussen, F., Nawaz, M. & Steiness, E. Renal Excretion of Digoxin in Swine and Goats. Acta Vet Scand 16, 525–536 (1975).

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