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Bovine Pancreolithiasis in Denmark

Pancreassten hos kvseg i Danmark


The results of a study of the occurrence of bovine pancreolithiasis in Denmark are given and discussed. Among 65.471 heads of cattle slaughtered at 9 export slaughter-houses during the fourth quarter of 1969, 279 cases were found, giving an average frequency of 0.43%. The frequency among animals below 4 years of age was 0.19%, above 4 years of age 0.82%. A difference in frequency according to breed was demonstrated. It was highest in the Red Danish breed, lower in the Holstein-Friesian breed and lowest in the Jersey breed. Clinical symptoms related to the condition were not found in a retrospective analysis, and correlations with other pathological changes were not apparent. Geographically the cases were uniformly distributed.

At 1 export slaughter-house the collection of cases was continued also in the 3 first quarters of 1970. On a 1 year basis comprising 142 cases a higher frequency was found in the late autumn and a lower during the summer.

Patho-morphological changes in the affected glands were examined macro- and microscopically. The white, hard, facetted stones were located in the excretory duct system with an accumulation in the main duct, from where a certain expulsion to the duodenum occurs. Secondary inflammatory changes were found in the epithelium and outer layers of the duct system, whereas no significant changes were found in the incretory or excretory components of the gland.

The highest absolute and relative weight of the collected and dried stones from each individual case was found in the 3–5 years age group.

Chemical analyses showed the main constituent to be calcium carbonate in the modification of calcite, and small amounts of phosphate and magnesium. A comparative chemical analysis on pancreatic stones from cattle in France, England and Denmark did not show any significant differences.


Resultaterne af en undersøgelse over forekomsten af bovin pancreolithiasis i Danmark fremlsegges og diskuteres. Blandt 65.471 stk. kvseg slagtet på 9 eksportslagterier i 4. kvartal af 1969 fandtes 279 tilfselde. Frekvensen i det samlede materiale var 0,43%, mens frekvensen hos dyr under og over 4 år var henholdsvis 0,19% og 0,82%. Der påvistes en raceafhængig forskel i frekvensen, idet den var størst hos RDM, mindre hos SDM og mindst hos Jerseykvæg. Lidelsen syntes ikke at give anledning til kliniske symptomer, og der fandtes ingen korrelation med andre sygelige tilstande, som blev fundet ved kødkontrollen. Geografisk var tilfæidene jaevnt fordelt i landet.

På 1 eksportslagteri blev undersøgelsen udstrakt til også at omfatte de 3 første kvartaler af 1970. Der blev i dette materiale omfattende 142 tilfælde fundet en højere frekvens i det sene efterär og en lavere frekvens om sommeren.

Patologisk-anatomiske forandringer i de angrebne kirtler blev undersøgt makro- og mikroskopisk. De hvide, hårde, facetterede sten fandtes liggende i udførselsgangsystemet, og de akkumuleredes i hovedudførselsgangen, hvorfra der sker en vis udtømning i duodenum. Sekundære betændelsestilstande fandtes i udførselsgangenes epithel og ydre væglag, mens der ikke fandtes signifikante forandringer i de inkretoriske eller ekskretoriske afsnit af kirtlen.

Kemiske analyser viste, at hovedbestanddelen var calciumkarbonat i modifikationen calcit, samt små mængder af fosfor og magnium. En sammenlignende kemisk analyse af pancreassten fra kvæg i Frankrig, England og Danmark viste ingen signifikante forskelle.


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Veiling, K. Bovine Pancreolithiasis in Denmark. Acta Vet Scand 16, 327–340 (1975).

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