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The Effect of Physical Training on Skeletal Muscle Enzyme Composition in Pigs

Effekt af fysisk træning på skeletmuskulaturens enzymsammensætning hos grise


Running exercise in pigs results in an elevation of lactic acid in blood. This elevation in blood lactate does not occur in physically conditioned pigs. Activities of succinic dehydrogenase, fructose-l,6-diphosphate aldolase, lactate dehydrogenase and creatine Phosphokinase as well as the myoglobin content were determined in m. gastrocnemius from 6 ergometer-trained and 4 untrained pigs. The succinic dehydrogenase and myoglobin contents were significantly higher (P<0.01) in trained animals, whereas no changes were noted in the aldolase and creatine Phosphokinase contents. The lactate dehydrogenase showed somewhat reduced levels in the trained pigs. This was accompanied by an increased H/M subunit ratio. The results provide evidence for an increase in the maximal aerobic metabolism in trained pigs and that trained pigs to a higher extent can rely on an aerobic energy metabolism during running exercise.


Muskelarbejde hos grise medfører en stigning i blodets mælkesyreindhold. Denne stigning iagttages ikke hos i forvejen trænede dyr.

Indholdet af enzymerne ravsyredehydrogenase, fruktose-1,6-difosfat aldolase, mselkesyredehydrogenase og kreatinfostfokinase samt indholdet af myoglobin er besternt i m. gastrocnemius fra 6 ergometertrænede og 4 utrænede grise. Ravsyredehydrogenase- og myoglobinindholdet er signifikant højere (P < 0,01) hos trænede dyr, medens der ikke er iagttaget ændringer i indholdet af fruktose-1,6-difosfat aldolase og kreatinfosfokinase. Mælkesyredehydrogenaseindholdet tenderer mod et fald hos de trænede dyr og er ledsaget af en stigning i forholdet mellem H- og M-subunits af mælkesyrehydrogenase.

Resultaterne peger i retning mod en stigning i muskulaturens maksimale aerobe stofskifte hos trænede dyr og tyder på, at traenede grise i højere grad end utrænede benytter det aerobe energistofskifte under muskelarbejde.


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Jørgensen, P.F., Hyldgaard-Jensen, J.F. The Effect of Physical Training on Skeletal Muscle Enzyme Composition in Pigs. Acta Vet Scand 16, 368–378 (1975).

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