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Concentrations of Trimethoprim and Sulphadoxine in Tissues from Goats and a Cow

Koncentrationen af trimethoprim og sulfadoxin i væv fra geder og en ko


The concentration of trimethoprim and sulphadoxine in plasma and tissue from goats and a cow have been determined after a single intravenous injection. Furthermore, the concentration of the two drugs and their metabolites in plasma and tissues have been determined after continuous intravenous infusion for 2½–3 hrs. Trimethoprim was present in all tissues but brain at higher concentrations than in plasma while the concentration of sulphadoxine in the different tissues were lower than in plasma. The highest concentration of the 2 drugs and their metabolites was found in the kidney. The distribution pattern of trimethoprim and sulphadoxine was similar in cow and goats.


Koncentrationen af trimethoprim og sulfadoxin blev besternt i plasma og vaev fra 5 geder og 1 ko efter en enkelt intravenøs injektion. Endvidere blev koncentrationen af de to lægemidler og deres metabolitter besternt i plasma og vaev fra 4 geder efter permanent intravenøs infusion i 2½–3 timer. Koncentrationen af trimethoprim var i de undersøgte væv med undtagelse af hjernen (tabel 1 og 2) højere end i plasma, mens koncentrationen af sulfadoxin i samtlige vaev var lavere end i plasma. Den højeste koncentration af de to laegemidler og deres metabolitter blev påvist i nyrerne. Fordelingen af trimethoprim og sulfadoxin i vævene hos gederne svarede til fordelingen hos koen.


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Nielsen, P., Rasmussen, F. Concentrations of Trimethoprim and Sulphadoxine in Tissues from Goats and a Cow. Acta Vet Scand 16, 405–410 (1975).

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