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Elicitation of the Generalized Shwartzman Reaction in Rabbits with Parenteral Iron Preparations and Bacterial Endotoxin

Utlösning av den generella Shwartzmanreaktionen med parenterala järnpreparat och bakteriellt endotoxin hos kaniner


Some parenteral iron preparations were examined regarding their ability to act as preparing agents in the elicitation of the generalized Shwartzman reaction in the rabbit. As expression of the generalized Shwartzman reaction bilateral cortical necrosis of the kidneys was demonstrated when Imferon, Iroject, Macofer, and A 2152 were used as preparing agents. No renal lesion was observed when Jectofer was used.


Några olika järnpreparat undersöktes beträffande deras förmåga att vara “preparing agents” vid utlösandet av den generella Shwartzmanreaktionen hos kanin. Som uttryck för den generella Shwartzmanreaktionen påvisades bilateral kortikal nekros i njurarna när Imferon, Iroject, Macofer och A 2152 användes som “preparing agents”. Ingen njurskada iakttogs, när Jectofer användes.


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Eriksson, H., Magnusson, G. Elicitation of the Generalized Shwartzman Reaction in Rabbits with Parenteral Iron Preparations and Bacterial Endotoxin. Acta Vet Scand 16, 226–235 (1975).

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