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Immunochemical Quantitation of Pig Transferrin by Single Radial Immunodiffusion

Immimokemisk bestemmelse af transferrin hos svin ved enkelt radial immunodiffusion


A system has been developed for immunochemical determination of pig transferrin. Direct comparison of immunological values with chemical values showed that monovalent rabbit anti-pig serum transferrin is suitable for the immunological estimation of iron binding protein in swine.


Der er udviklet et system til immunokemisk bestemmelse af transferrin. Ved sammenligning af resultater fra immunologiske og kemiske bestemmelser fandtes, at monovalent kanin anti-svine-serum-transferrin er egnet til immunologisk bestemmelse af jernbindende protein i svineserum.


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Hristić, V., Movsesijan, M. Immunochemical Quantitation of Pig Transferrin by Single Radial Immunodiffusion. Acta Vet Scand 16, 244–250 (1975).

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