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An Epidemiological Study of Foot Rot in Pastured Cattle

En epidemiologisk undersøgelse af klovbrandbylder hos grœssende kreaturer


Using 12 years of data from the common grazing areas at Store Vildmose on the incidence of foot rot in cattle, it was shown that the disease incidence varied significantly between the sections in which the animals were grazing. Differences also existed between breeds in their foot rot incidence. Extraordinarily wet summers were noted to influence foot rot in cattle, and a possible effect of soil pH was also observed.


På basis af 12 års data fra græsningsarealerae i Store Vildmose vedrø rende forekomsten af klovbrandbylder kunne der på vises, signifikante forskelle i incidensen imellem de forskellige fenneafsnit. Der fandtes ligeledes udtalte raceforskelle i lidelsens forekomst. Sœrligt fugtige graesningssœsoner viste sig at øge klovbrandbyldernes optræ-den. Jordbundens pH fandtes endvidere at variere imellem de fenneafsnit, der udviste forskellig sygdomsforekomst.


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Monrad, J., Kassuku, A.A., Nansen, P. et al. An Epidemiological Study of Foot Rot in Pastured Cattle. Acta Vet Scand 24, 403–417 (1983).

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