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Vibrio Anguillarum: A Comparative Study of Fish Pathogenic, Environmental, and Reference Strains

Vibrio anguillarum: Et komparativt studium af fiskepatogene, miljø- og referencestammer


An examination of 41 fish pathogenic and 51 environmental strains of Vibrio anguillarum from Danish coastal areas, and of 8 reference strains of Vibrio anguillarum, biotype 1, showed that these strains shared rather broad-spectered activities towards many carbohydrates, amino acids, proteins and lipids.

They also exhibited rather uniform growth characteristics, including parameters as salinity (NaCl), temperature, antibiotic resistance, and growth on specific media.

A computer analysis of these strains and 3 strains of Vibrio anguillarum, biotype 2 (Vibrio ordalii), showed that the Danish strains all belonged to Vibrio anguillarum, biotype 1, and that no basis existed for setting up new biotypes.

Mean values of the G+C content in DNA of strains of the various categories of Vibrio anguillarum, biotype 1, ranged from 45.5 to 46, while the mean value for the Vibrio ordalii strains was 48.9.

The biochemically active Vibrio anguillarum seems more suitable for environmental studies than the more fastidious Vibrio ordalii.


En undersøgelse af 41 fiske-patogene og 51 miljøstammer af Vibrio anguillarum isoleret fra danske kystnsere områder og 8 reference-stammer af Vibrio anguillarum, biotype 1, viste, at disse stammer til-fælles havde en raekke biokemiske aktiviteter overfor kulhydrater, aminosyrer, proteiner og lipider.

De udviste ligeledes ret ensartede vaekstegenskaber med hensyn til salinitet, temperatur, antibiotika samt vækst på specifikke Substraten

En coriiputer-analyse af disse stammer og 3 Vibrio anguillarum, biotype 2 (Vibrio ordalii)-stammer, viste, at de danske isolater aile hørte til Vibrio anguillarum, biotype 1. Den store fænotypiske variation stammerne imellem indebar, at en etablering af nye biotyper eller phenons kun ville bibringe forvirring.

G + G indholdet i DNA for Vibrio anguillarum, biotype 1-stam-merne af forskellig oprindelse varierede i middelvaerdierne fra 45,5 til 46, mens middelvaerdien for Vibrio ordalii var 48,9.

Den biokemisk aktive Vibrio anguillarum fandtes bedre egnet til milj0unders0gelser end den mere krsesne Vibrio ordalii, der ikke kunne vokse på de anvendte selektive og indikative substrater.


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Larsen, J.L. Vibrio Anguillarum: A Comparative Study of Fish Pathogenic, Environmental, and Reference Strains. Acta Vet Scand 24, 456–476 (1983).

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