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Effect of Dietary Fat Quality and Vitamin E on the Antioxidant Potential of Pigs

Betydningen af foderets fedtkvalitet og vitamin E indhold for den biologiske antioxydantstatus hos suin


A randomized blocked factorial experiment was conducted with 90 young pigs. From 4 to 11 weeks of age the pigs were kept in individual pens and fed a selenium supplemented basal diet consisting mostly of propionic acid treated barley, soybean meal and dried skim milk, and containing < 0.5 mg vitamin E per kg. The treatment factors during this period were 3 dietary levels of added vitamin E (nil, 10 and 30 mg/kg) and a 6 % supplement of fresh or oxidized fat (2/3 lard and 1/3 herring oil). From 11 weeks of age until slaughter at 90 kg the pigs received the vitamin E supplements but no fat or dried skim milk. The basal diet for this later experimental period was based on untreated dry barley. Blood samples collected during the period of investigation were examined for vitamin E and for resistance against erythrocyte lipid peroxidation (ELP) in order to evaluate the antioxidant status.

Analysis of variance and Student’s t-test on least squares means showed the ELP to be influenced independently by the vitamin E supplement and, during the fat feeding period, by the quality of the fat supplement, with the highest peroxidation resistance (low ELP) in the groups fed fresh fat and a high level of vitamin E. Blood vitamin E level was only influenced — positively — by the vitamin E supplement although variations in the feed vitamin E level below 10–15 mg vitamin E per kg did not result in corresponding variations in measurable blood vitamin E concentrations. In the same low range of vitamin E in the feed there was a statistically significant difference in ELP values between the different vitamin E treatment groups. No clinical manifestations of selenium-vitamin E deficiency were observed in the pigs.

The ELP and the plasma vitamin E levels observed would seem to suggest that a total of 15 mg vitamin E per kg barley-based feed will not always be sufficient for growing pigs.


Et faktorielt forsøg blev gennemført med ialt 90 grise. Fra grisene var 4 til de var 11 uger garnie blev de holdt i enkeltstier og fodret med et selenberiget grUndfoder bestående af propionsy rebehandlet byg, soyaskrå og skummetmaelkspulver og indeholdende < 0,5 mg vitamin E per kg. Forsøgsbehandlingerne var 3 niveauer af vitamin E (0, 10 og 30 mg/kg) og et fedttilsKud på 6 % be&tående af frisk eller oxyderet fedt (2/3 svinefedt og 1/3 sildeolie). Fra grisene var 11 uger og indtil de blev slagtet ved 90 kg fik de fortsat vitamin E tilskudene, medens de ikke fik fedt eller skummetmaelkspulver i foderet. Grund-foderet i denne forsøgsperiode var fremstillet af veltørret byg. Blod-prøver, der var udtaget under forsøget, blev undersøgt for vitamin E indhold i plasma, ligesom blodlegemernes resistens mod peroksyde-ring (ELP) blev besternt for herved at vurdere grisenes antioxydantstatus.

Ved variansanalyse samt t-test på “least squares means” fandtes ELP vserdierne at vaere afhængige af såvel foderets vitamin E indhold som af kvaliteten af det tilsatte fedt, således at et højt vitamin E indhold og god fedtkvalitet gav den største resistens mod peroksyde-ring (lave ELP værdier). Der fandtes en positiv sammenhaeng mellem blodets vitamin E indhold og vitamin E-indholdet i foderet, dog således at der i grupperne, der fik mindre end 10–15 mg vitamin E pr. kg foder, ikke fandtes tils varen de variationer i det målelige vitamin E indhold i blodet. I modssetning hertil fandtes statistisk sikre forskelle mellem ELP vserdierne for de grupper af grise der havde fået de to lave niveauer af vitamin E. Foderets fedtkvalitet havde tilsyneladende ingen indflydelse på blodets vitamin E indhold. Der blev ikke observeret kliniske tilfaelde af selen-vitamin E mangel hos forsøgsgrisene. De fundne ELP vserdier og plasma vitamin E koncen-trationer gør det sandsynligt at 15 mg vitamin E pr. kg foder ikke altid er nok til at sikre en optimal antioxydantstatus hos grisene.


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This study was supported by a grant from the Danish Agricultural and Veterinary Research Council.

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Jensen, P.T., Nielsen, H.E., Danielsen, V. et al. Effect of Dietary Fat Quality and Vitamin E on the Antioxidant Potential of Pigs. Acta Vet Scand 24, 135–147 (1983).

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