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Isolation and Partial Characterisation of Bacteria Recovered from Abscesses of Normally Slaughtered Pigs

Isolering och karaktärisering au bakterier från bölder från normal-slaktade svin


One hundred and one pig abscesses of different localisation were examined. Bacteria were re-covered from all abscesses. In 6’8 abscesses a mixed aerobic and anaerobic flora was found. In 22 abscesses solely aerobes and in 11 solely anaerobes were found. Gorynebaoterium pyogenes and Fuso-bacterium necrophorum were found in 61 and 45 abscesses, respectively. Hemagglutination litres of G. pyogenes strains were higher with pig erythrocytes than with sheep erythrocytes. Three of 4 isolates of Staphylococcus aureus produced enterotoxin type A.


101 svinbölder från olika delar av slaktkroppen undersöktes med avseende på förekomst av aeroba och anaeroba bakterier. Växt av bakterier påvisades i samtliga bölder. I 68 bölder fanns en blandad aerob och anaerob flora, i 22 bölder enbart aerober och i 11 enbart anaero-ber. Gorynebacterium pyogenes och Fusobacterium necrophorum åter-fanns i 61 respektive 45 bölder. G. pyogenes uppvisade högre hämag-glutinationstitrar mot svin- än mot fårblodkroppar. Tre av 4 isolåt av Staphylococcus aureus bildade enterotoxin typ A.


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Part of these results were presented at the 14th Nordic Veterinary Congress, Copenhagen, July 1982.

This study was supported by a grant from the Elsa and Ivar Sand-berg foundation.

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Engvall, A., Schwan, O. Isolation and Partial Characterisation of Bacteria Recovered from Abscesses of Normally Slaughtered Pigs. Acta Vet Scand 24, 74–83 (1983).

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