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Acid-Base and Electrolyte Changes in 1–3 Days Old Piglets Infected with Enteropathogenic Escherichia Coli and in Spontaneous Cases of Piglet Diarrhoea

Syra-bas och elektrolytförändringar hos 1–3 dagar gamla spädgrisar infekterade med enteropatogena Escherichia coli och hos sporttana fall av spädgrisdiarré


Infection perorally with enteropathogenic E. coli (ST +LT) bacteria in 57 newborn piglets gave rise to watery diarrhoea in 50 (88%) piglets and was lethal in 17 (34 %) cases. The diarrhoea was associated with a progressing partially compensated metabolic acidosis indicated by significantly decreased pH, pCO2 and RE values. The acidosis (BE-values) was significantly correlated with increased blood LA and serum K+ values. The dehydration during the disease was confirmed by increased Hb, Hct, serum protein and urea values as well as loss of weight. The changes were most pronounced in piglets that died and a BE value of —10 mmol/1 seemed to be a critical limit at which the prognosis could be considered poor.

The changes in acid-base status and water balance was confirmed in 64 piglets with spontaneous cases of E. coli diarrhoea.


Nyfödda spädgrisar (57 st) infekterades perorait med ent er opatogena E. coli (ST + LT) bakterier. Av dessa utvecklade 50 st (88 %) en vattentunn diarré med dödlig utgånig i 17 fall (34 %). Diarrégrisarna utvecklade en delvis kompenserad metabolisk ácidos, vilket manifeste-rades genom signifikanta sänkningar av pH, BE och pGO2 värden. Acidosen (BE-värdena) var signifikant korrelerad till ökade LA värden i blod och till ökade serum K+-värden. Dehydreringen under sjuk-domen bekräftades av ökade Hb, Htk, serumprotein och urea värden i kombination meid viktsförlust. Förändrinigarna var mest uttalade hos de grisar som dog. Ett BE-värde på —10 mmol/1 föreföll vara en gräns under vilket prognosen kunde förutsägas vara dålig.

Förändringarna i syra-bas status och vätskebalans bekräftades hos 64 st spädigrisar med spontana fall av E. coli diarré.


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This investigation was supported by grants from the Swedish Council for Forestry and Agricultural Research.

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Andrén, B., Persson, S. Acid-Base and Electrolyte Changes in 1–3 Days Old Piglets Infected with Enteropathogenic Escherichia Coli and in Spontaneous Cases of Piglet Diarrhoea. Acta Vet Scand 24, 84–98 (1983).

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