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Procedure for Blood Glutathione Peroxidase Determination in Cattle and Swine

Analyseprocedure til bestemmelse af glutathion peroxidase i kvæg-og svineblod.


An improved testing system has been developed for direct measurement of glutathione peroxidase activity in heparinized whole blood at 37°C. Without loss in net yield the consumption of reagents has been found to be considerably lower with the new technique than with previously described techniques. Within the range 0–700 mKat/1 the GSH-Px activity in red cells may be measured with a high degree of accuracy and reproducibility without preceding separation and washing. The stability of the enzyme in bovine and porcine whole blood at 22°C, 4°C, and —20°C was determined.


En analysemetode til bestemmelse af glutathion peroxidase i heparinstabiliseret fuldblod fra kvæg og svin er optimeret med hen-syn til pH, ionstyrke og donor- og acceptorsubstrat-koncentrationer ved 37°C. I forhold til tidligere beskrevet teknik er reagensforbruget reduceret uden fald i nettoudbyttet. I intervallet 0–700 mKat/1 måles GSH-Px aktiviteten i erytrocyter uden forudgående separations- og vaskeprocedurer. Enzymets stabilitet i fuldblod fra kvaeg og svin er fastlagt ved 22°C, 4°C og — 20°C.


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Agergaard, N., Jensen, P.T. Procedure for Blood Glutathione Peroxidase Determination in Cattle and Swine. Acta Vet Scand 23, 515–527 (1982).

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