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Influence of Nutrition on Malignant Hyperthermia in Pigs

Ernæringsbetingede sendringer af malign hyperthermi hos svin.


In 2 experiments malignant hyperthermia susceptible Danish Landrace pigs were fed, for 2 or 4 weeks, synthetic diets containing casein as protein source or no protein. Minerals and vitamins were supplied to both groups. The animals were anaesthetized weekly for a maximum of 20 min with a halothane-oxygen mixture.

In the first experiment malignant hyperthermia was equally delayed in both groups. If malignant hyperthermia developed, the appearance was at the end of the anaesthetic period. In the second experiment a deeper anaesthesia was employed. Malignant hyperthermia was delayed in both groups, but most markedly in the protein-deficient animals. Malignant hyperthermia developed faster after return to the original feed.

These results provide evidence for a nutritional influence on the penetrance of malignant hyperthermia susceptibility during halothane anaesthesia in pigs.


I to undersøgelser bleν malign hyperthermifølsomme Dansk Land-race grise fodret med syntetiske foderblandinger tilsat kasein som proteinkilde eller uden protein. Mineraler og vitaminer blev tilført begge grupper. Dyrene blev anassteseret hver uge med halothan i mak-simalt 20 min.

I første undersøgelse forsinkedes udviklingen af malign hyperthermi lige meget hos begge grupper. Hvis malign hyperthermi udvik-

ledes, skete dette ved slutningen af de 20 min. I anden undersøgelse benyttedes en dybere ansestesi. Malign hyperthermi forsinkedes atter has begge grupper, mest udtalt has proteinmanglende dyr. Ved tilbage-venden til udgangsfoderet indtrådte malign hyperthermi hurtigere.

Resultaterne viser, at foderets sammensætning kan influere på penetransen af malign hyperthermif0lsomhed has svin under halothan-ansestesi.


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Jørgensen, P.F. Influence of Nutrition on Malignant Hyperthermia in Pigs. Acta Vet Scand 23, 539–549 (1982).

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