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The Influence of Sow Colostrum Trypsin Inhibitor on the Immunoglobulin Absorption in Newborn Piglets

Betydningen af den specifikke so-kolostrum trypsin-inhibitor for immunglobulinabsorptionen hos nyfødte grise


The influence of sow colostrum trypsin inhibitor (SCTI) on the immunoglobulin absorption from the gut of 16 newborn colostrum-deprived piglets was investigated in a paired feeding experiment.

Three times at 1 h intervals the piglets were fed an experimental diet consisting of sow milk, purified swine serum immunoglobulins containing agglutinins against Bordetella bronchiseptica, and purified SGTI (diet I) or saline (diet II). The serum concentrations of IgG, IgM, IgA, and antibodies for B. bronchiseptica were measured by single radial immunodiffusion and by a tube agglutination procedure and used to evaluate the immunoglobulin absorption. Four and 6 h after the first experimental meal, blood samples from the piglets given SGTI in their diet had a generally higher level of IgG, IgA and aggutinins against B. bronchiseptica than blood samples from the piglets d no SGTI. No real differences were found in the IgM levels. Although the piglets fed no SGTI all showed a considerable immunoglobulin absorption, the SCTI was found to have a statistically significant positive influence on the IgG and IgA absorption.


Betydningen af den specifikke so-kolostrum. trypsin-inhibitor (SCTI) for immunglobulinabsorptionen fra tarmen hos 16 nyfddte grise, der ikke havde haft adgang til at die, blev undersøgt ved et parvis opstillet fodringseksperiment.

Tre gange med 1 times mellemrum fik grisene en forsøgsdiæt bestående af somælk, oprenset svineserum Immunglobulin indeholdende antistoffer mod Bordetella bronchiseptica og renset SCTI (diaet I) eller fysiologisk saltvand (diaet II). Serumkoncentrationerne af IgG, IgM, IgA og B. bronchiseptica antistoffer blev målt ved henholdsvis enkel radial immunodiffusion og agglutination i glas. Koncentrationerne blev anvendt til at vurdere immunglobulinabsorptionen. De grise, der fik SCTI, havde gennemgâende et højere indhold af IgG, IgA og agglutininer i blodet 4 og 6 timer efter første fodring end de grise, som ikke fik SCTI. Der blev ikke fundet egentlige forskelle i IgM niveauerne. Selvom alle grise, der ikke fik SCTI, fremviste en betydelig immunglobulinabsorption, havde SCTI dog en statistisk signifikant positiv indflydelse på IgG og IgA absorption.


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Jensen, P.T., Pedersen, K.B. The Influence of Sow Colostrum Trypsin Inhibitor on the Immunoglobulin Absorption in Newborn Piglets. Acta Vet Scand 23, 161–168 (1982).

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