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Parturient Paresis in the Cow

Puerperal pares hos ko. Joniserat kalcium i serum fore och efter behandling med olika kalciumlösningar — klassif icering au olika grader au hypo- och hyperkalcemi

Serum Ionized Calcium Concentrations Before and after Treatment with Different Calcium Solutions – Classification of Different Degrees of Hypo- and Hypercalcemia


Serum ionized calcium concentrations (CaF) were determined in 87 Swedish red-and-white cows and 10 Swedish Friesian cows with clinical signs of parturient paresis. All cows were in the week prior to or after parturition. A classification of the severity of hypocalcemia in terms of serum ionized calcium was devised. Eight cows had normal serum ionized calcium concentrations (Cap 1.06–1.26 mmol/1); 15 had slight (CaF 0.80–1.05 mmol/1); 43 a moderate (CaF 0.50–0.79 mmol/1), and 31 asevere (CaF < 0.50 mmol/1) hypocalcemia.

All cows were given 8 or 8.3 g of calcium intravenously. Of 8 normocalcemic cows 7 (87.5 %) reached a maximum posttreatment serum ionized calcium concentration > 1.80 mmol/1 (severe hypercalcemia). This was also found in 13 of 15 (86.7 %) slightly hypocalcemic cows and in 31 of 43 (72.1 %) moderately hypocalcemic cows. In the severe hypocalcemia group 14 of 31 (45.2 %) had maximum posttreatment Cap > 1.80 mmol/1).

These findings emphazise the need of a rapid pretreatment evaluation of the degree of hypocalcemia. The present study also underlined the difficulty in predicting serum ionized calcium from serum total calcium concentrations.


Hos 97 kor (87 SRB och 10 SLB) med puerperal pares bestämdes serumkoncentrationen av joniserat kalcium (CaF). Därefter indelades materialet i olika grupper efter graden av hypokalcemi:

Samtliga kor behandlades med intravenös infusion av 8 eller 8.3 g kalcium vilket resulterade i olika grad av hyperkalcemi. Hos 65 (67 %) av korna noterades grav hyperkalcemi efter behandling (CaF > 1.80 mmol/1), vilket kan ifragasätta lämpligheten av standardiserad behandling för kor med puerperal pares. Den utförda Studien antyder ett behov av ett kliniskt test för bedömning av graden av hypokalcemi omedelbart före behandling samt visar även svårigheten att förutsäga joniserat kalcium i serum från totalkalciumbestämning.


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Kuart, C., Björsell, K.A. & Larsson, L. Parturient Paresis in the Cow. Acta Vet Scand 23, 184–196 (1982).

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