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Characterization of Penicillinase Inhibitor in Bovine Serum

Karakterisering au penicillinas inhibitor i bovint serum


Bovine serum containing penicillinase inhibitor activity was fractioned by gel filtration chromatography and ion exchange chromatography. The penicillinase inhibitor was principally located in the IgG-fraction and therefore appears to be an antibody.

When serum antipenicillinase activity was screened in material consisting of 54 animals, mastitis cows showed higher incidence of penicillinase inhibitor than healthy animals.

Serum penicillinase inhibitor had a slight effect on the MIC-value of penicillin against penicillinase producing staphylococci which indicates that this inhibitor could have some clinical influence in increasing bacterial sensitivity to penicillin.


Lie & Solbu (1980) beskrev penicillinas inhibitor aktivitet i bovint serum. Sera innehållande penicillinas inhibitor aktivitet fraktio-nerades med gelfiltration och jonbyteskromatografi. Penicillinas inhi-bitorn lokaliserades till IgG-fraktionen och kan därför anses vara en antikropp.

Vid en analys av 54 djur uppvisade mastitkor en högre insidens av antipenicillinas aktivitet än friska djur.

Penicillinas inhibitorn hade en lindrig effekt på MIG-värden för penicillin mot penicillinasproducerande stafylokokker, vilket betyder att inhibitorn kunde ha en klinisk betydelse genom att öka penicillin-känsligheten hos stafylokokkerna.


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Honkanen-Buzalski, T. Characterization of Penicillinase Inhibitor in Bovine Serum. Acta Vet Scand 23, 30–38 (1982).

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