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Pathogenic, Enterotoxin-Producing Staphylococci in Mink Feed and Mink Feed Raw Materials

Förekomst av patogena, enterotoxinproducerande stafylokocker i minkfoder och -råvaror


Samples of 51 mink feeds and 101 raw material batches were analysed for pathogenic staphylococci. Of the feed samples 37 % were contaminated with pathogenic staphylococci, the mean count being 3.02 log CFU (colony forming units)/g and the highest count being 4.48 log CFU/g of feed. Of the raw materials investigated, slaughter-house offals were most frequently contaminated and contained highest counts of S. aureus, 60 % of the samples being positive with a mean log count of 3.86/g and a maximum of 5.70/g. Forty-eight staphylococcal isolates were tested for eniterotoxin production. Toxin A, B or G were produced by eight isolates, A being the most common. None of the isolates produced B or E toxins.


Foder- och råvaruprov, 152 ialt, blev analyserade för förekomst av patogena stafylokocker; 37 % av foderproven var kontaminerade med patogena stafylokocker, i medeltal var bakteriehalten 3.02 log per gram foder, högsta halten var 4.48 log bakterier per gram foder. Av undersökta råvaror var slaktavfallsprodukterna mest kontaminerade, 60 % av proven innehöll stafylokocker, i medeltal 3.86 log bakterier per gram, högsta halten var 5.70 log bakterier per gram. Fyrtioåtta isolerade bakteriestammar testades med avseende på enterotoxinbildning, 17 % av stammarna producerade A, C eller D toxin, ingen av stammarna producerade B eller E toxin.


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Juokslahti, T., Lindroth, S. & Niskanen, A. Pathogenic, Enterotoxin-Producing Staphylococci in Mink Feed and Mink Feed Raw Materials. Acta Vet Scand 21, 516–522 (1980).

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