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Distribution of Live and Dead Spermatozoa in the Genital Tract of Gilts at Different Times After Insemination

Spermiedistributionen i den tubulära könsapparaten efter insemination au levande och döda spermier hos gylta


Twenty-four gilts were inseminated pair-wise with live or dead spermatozoa from the same ejaculate. The insemination dose was 100 ml undiluted semen containing, on average, 19×109 spermatozoa. The gilts were slaughtered 1, 2, 6 and 12 h after insemination. The numbers of spermatozoa were counted in the uterus, uterotubal junction and in four equally long segments of the oviduct, called I–IV, with a haemocytometer. IV was adjacent to the uterotubal junction. The numbers of spermatozoa recovered in the uterus diminished significantly during the first 12 h after insemination. From gilts inseminated with live spermatozoa more spermatozoa were recovered in the uterotubal junction than from gilts inseminated with dead spermatozoa. Two h after insemination spermatozoa were recovered in all oviducts. Significantly more live than dead spermatozoa were recovered in Segments III and IV of the oviduct, regardless of time. In gilts inseminated with live spermatozoa the sperm count in Segment I varied significantly with time, being hiigest 2 h after insemination. At 6 and 12 h there were no distinct differences in the distribution of live spermatozoa between the various oviduct segments. The numbers of spermatozoa recovered in the oviduct were at these times apparently related to the sperm depots in the uterotubal junction.


Tjugofyra gyltor inseminerades parvis med levande eller avdödade spermier härrörande från samma ejakulat. Inseminationsdosen var 100 ml ospädd sperma innehållande i medeltal 19 miljarder spermier. Gyltorna slaktades 1, 2, 6 respektive 12 timmar efter insemination en. Spermieantalet räknades i uterus, “uterotubal junction” och i fyra lika långa avsnitt av äggledaren benämnda I–IV med hjälp av haemocytometer. Avsnitt IV var beläget närmast “uterotubal junction”. Antalet återfunna spermier i livmodern minskade signifikant under de första 12 timmarna efter inseminationenn. Hos gyltor som inseminerats med levande spermier återfanns fler spermier i “uterotubal junction” än hos gyltor som inseminerats med avdödade spermier. Två timmar efter inseminationen återfanns spermier i samtliga äggledare. Signifikant fler levande än avdödade spermier återfanns i äggledaravsnitten III och IV oberoende av tid. Hos gyltor som inseminerats med levande spermier varierade antalet spermier i avsnitt I statistiskt signifikant med tiden och uppvisade det högsta antalet 2 timmar efter Inseminationen. Vid 6 och 12 timmar förelåg inga pvisbara skillnader i fördelningen av levande spermier mellan de olika äggledaravsnitten. Antalet terfunna spermier i äggledarna var vid dessa tidpunkter till synes relaterade till spermiedepåerna i “uterotubal junction”.


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This work was supported by grants from the Swedish Council for Forestry and Agricultural Research.

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Viring, S. Distribution of Live and Dead Spermatozoa in the Genital Tract of Gilts at Different Times After Insemination. Acta Vet Scand 21, 587–597 (1980).

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