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Studies on the Oestrus and Ovarian Activity During Five Successive Oestrous Cycles in Gilts

Studier αν brunst och äggstocksaktivitet hos gyltor under fem brunstcykler


The object of the investigation was to study a number of gilts during their first six heats in respect of duration and external signs of oestrus in relation to ovarian function. The study comprised 11 crossbred gilts (Swedish Landrace X Yorkshire). Heat control was done twice daily and comprised a careful inspection of the vulva and check of the standing reflex with and without a vasectomized boar. The ovaries were inspected after the first, third and fifth heats by laparoscopy. Blood samples for progesterone determination were taken once a week during the whole observation period. The genital organs were examined after slaughter.

All gilts came in heat regularly during the whole period. Reddening and swelling of the vulva were observed during a significantly longer time in the first and second than in the subsequent pro-oestrous periods. The length of oestrus did not vary significantly in successive heats. The duration of the standing reflex was consistently shorter when the heat control was done in the absence of a boar. All gilts had low progesterone values before their first observed heat. The progesterone level in the blood during the five oestrous cycles studied varied in a cyclical pattern. The number of corpora lutea increased from heat 1 to 5.


Avsikten med undersökningen var att studera ett antal gyltor under de första brunsterna med avseende på brunstens duration och yttre tecken i relation till äggstocksfunktionen. Undersökningen omfattade 11 gyltor av korsningsras (sv. lantras × yorkshire). Brunst-kontroll utfördes tv gånger dagligen och omfattade noggrann lnspektion av blygden samt kontroll av streflexen med och utan vasektomerad galt. Äggstockarna inspekterades efter 1:a, 3:e och 5:e brunst med hjälp av laparoskopi. Blodprov för progesteronbestämning togs en gång per vecka under hela observationsperioden. Könsorganen undersöktes efter slakt.

Alla gyltor visade brunst regelbundet under hela observationsperioden. Rodnad och ansvällning av blygden observerades under signifikant längre tid vid l:a och 2:a förbrunsterna än vid efterföljande förbrunster. Brunstens längd varierade ej signifikant med stigande brunstnummer. Streflexens längd var genomgende kortare d brunstkontrollen utfördes utan medverkan av galt. Samtliga gyltor hade låga progesteronvärden före sin 1:a observerade brunst. Progesteronnivn i blodet varierade under de fem studerade brunstcyklerna enligt ett periodiskt mönster. Antalet corpora lutea ökade från brunst 1 till 5.


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This investigation was supported by grants from the Swedish Council for Forestry and Agricultural Research.

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Andersson, AM., Einarsson, S. Studies on the Oestrus and Ovarian Activity During Five Successive Oestrous Cycles in Gilts. Acta Vet Scand 21, 677–688 (1980).

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