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Assay for Antibody in Pig Fetuses Infected with Porcine Parvovirus

Undersøgelser for antistof i grisefostre inficeret med porcint parvovirus


Fetal fluids from field cases of fetal death were assayed for antibody to porcine parvovirus (PPV) using 3 different techniques. An indirect immunofluorescent antibody test, a counter immunoelectrophoresis test and a hemagglutination inhibition test were compared. The indirect immunofluorescent antibody test was found to be the most sensitive of the tests employed. The hemagglutination inhibition test apparently suffered from the occurrence of false positive results.


Fostervaesker fra besætninger med formodet forekomst af smitsom fosterdød er undersøgt for indhold af antistof mod PPV ved 3 forskellige teknikker. En indirekte immunofluorescens antistoftest, en counter immunoelectroforesetest og en hæmagglutinationsinhibitionstest er sammenlignet. Den indirekte immunofluorescenstest fandtes at vaere den mest følsomme af de anvendte teknikker. Hæmagglutinationsinhibitionstesten gav tilsyneladende falske positive resultaten


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Sørensen, K.J., Askaa, J. & Dalsgaard, K. Assay for Antibody in Pig Fetuses Infected with Porcine Parvovirus. Acta Vet Scand 21, 312–317 (1980).

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