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A Serological Survey for Swine Vesicular Disease in Denmark

Serologiske unders ø gelser for smitsom blœreudslœt (SVD) i Danmark


Pig sera from Danish breeding centres were examined for occurrence of antibodies to swine vesicular disease virus using the counter immunoetlectro-phoresis test (GIET) and the serum neutralization test (SNT). Nine hundred and ten serum samples from 28 breeding centres were tested using the SNT and the GIET in parallel, whereas in a survey of 2062 samples from 218 herds the GIET was used for initial screening. GIET positive samples were subsequently assayed by the SNT. It was concluded that of the 2962 samples tested none had significant content of specific antibody to swine vesicular disease virus, although cross reacting antibody could be demonstrated in some cases.


Svinesera fra danske avlscentre er undersøgt for forekomst af antistof mod SVD virus ved counter immunoelektroforesetest (CIET) og serum neutralisationstest (SNT). I den følgende undersøgelse af 2052 prøver anvendtes CIET i den indledende undersøgelse. Prøver, der reagerede ved CIET, blev derefter undersøgt ved SNT. Det kunne konkluderes, at i ialt 2962 undersøgte prøver kunne der ikke påvises specifikt antistof mod SVD virus, skønt krydsreagerende antistof kunne påvises i nogle tilfælde.


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Sørensen, K.J. A Serological Survey for Swine Vesicular Disease in Denmark. Acta Vet Scand 21, 324–329 (1980).

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