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Equal Calcitonin Response in Paretic and Non-Paretic Cows After Intravenous Calcium Infusion

Samma calcitonin-svar efter kalkinfusion till kor med och utan kalvningsförlamning.


Seventeen cows divided into 3 groups were studied: Group 1 consisting of newly delivered cows (1–3 days post partum) suffering from parturient paresis; Group 2 comprising newly delivered (1–4 days post parturn) healthy cows and Group 3 consisting of non-pregnant, non-lactating cattle. All animals were given an intravenous standard Ca infusion, and blood samples were obtained before treatment and at intervals during a 3-hour period thereafter. Plasma levels of calcitonin (CT), calcium (Ca) and inorg. phosphate (P) were determined. No significant difference for the mean CT response existed between animals in Groups 1 and 2. Blood levels of inorg. P increased significantly with time in animals of Groups 1 and 2 but not in animals of Group 3.

The finding here of a similar CT response after Ca stimulation in both paretic and non-paretic cows demonstrates that the C-cells in both groups of animals have the same capacity to secrete CT.


De calcitoninproducerande C-cellernas förmåga att frisötta calcitonin (CT) som svar på en intravenös Ca-boroglukonatinfusion har undersökts hos nykalvade kor med (7 djur) och utan (5 djur) puerperal pares samt hos ej lakterande, ej draktiga djur (5 stycken). De nykalvade korna med puerperal pares behandlades 1–3 dagar efter förlossningen medan motsvarande tidsintervall för de nykalvade korna utan sjukdomen var 1–4 dagar.

Blodplasmakoncentrationen av CT, Ca och oorganisk P beståmdes före, under och efter infusionen. Ingen signifikant skillnad i CT-nivåer förelåg mellan nykalvade kor med eller utan puerperal pares. Blodplasmakoncentraüonen av oorganisk P ökade signifikant 6ø minuter efter Ca-infusionen till de nykalvade korna. Motsvarande ökning förelåg inte hos de ej lakterande, ej dröktiga djuren.

Resultatet av fóreliggande undersökning visar bl a att C-cellerna hos nykalvade kor med eller utan puerperal pares har samma kapacitet att frisåtta CT.


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This investigation was financially supported by the Swedish Council for Forestry and Agricultural Research.

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Forslund, K., Lundström, K. & Edqvist, LE. Equal Calcitonin Response in Paretic and Non-Paretic Cows After Intravenous Calcium Infusion. Acta Vet Scand 21, 171–184 (1980).

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