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Long Term ECG Recording with Hotter Monitoring in Clinically Healthy Horses

Långvarig elektrokardiografi med Hoher apparatur på kliniskt friska hästar


The electrocardiogram of 9 horses was continuously recorded for 24 h with Holter monitoring to examine the variations in heart rate and rhythm during daily routine procedures and at night. Three horses had transient sinus bradycardia, and 3 had periods of sinus tachycardia. Heart blocks were detected in 3 horses, and all horses had periods of sinus arrhythmia. These changes in the heart rate and rhythm were apparently caused by variations in autonomic nervous system tone and they are probably “normal” findings in resting, undisturbed horses. Ventricular premature depolarisations were not observed in any horse, but some single supraventricular premature contractions were detected. There was preliminary evidence that in order to register the real resting heart rate and rhythm of a horse the ECG should be recorded over a long period, and also at night and without the presence of the investigator.


Elektrokardiografi gjordes på 9 hästar under 24 t. Tre hästar hade övergående sinusbradykardi och 3 hade periodisk sinustakykardi. Tre hästar hade ledningsstörningar, och hos alla djur förekom periodvisa sinusarrytmier. Dessa förändringar i hjärtfrekvens och -rytm förursakades sannolikt av variation i det autonoma nervsystemets tonus, och de är sannolikt “normala” fynd hos hästar i vila. Ventrikulära ekstrasystoler förekom inte, men några enskilda atriella ekstrasystoler registrerades. Dessa fynd tyder på, att EKG borde kanske registreras också på natten och över ett långt period, om man vill studera den värkliga hjärtrytmen och -frekvensen hos hästen i vila.


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Raekallio, M. Long Term ECG Recording with Hotter Monitoring in Clinically Healthy Horses. Acta Vet Scand 33, 71–75 (1992).

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