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Relationship between ATP Content and Motility in Bovine Spermatozoa with Reference to the Effects of the Bull and the A.I.Centre

Sambandet melian ATP innehåll och motilitet i tjursperma med särskild hänsyn till effekten av tjur och tjurstation.


Deep-frozen semen from 28 bulls belonging to 6 different A.I.centres was studied after thawing and the ATP content in the spermatozoa was assayed using a bioluminescence technique. The sperm motility was subjectively estimated under a phase contrast microscope and the sperm concentration of each ejaculate was calculated in a haemocytometer. The overall mean ATP content was 16.6 nmoles ATP/spermatozoa × 108. There was a significant variation in ATP content between A.I.centres. Significant differences between bulls in ATP content were found as well as a significant correlation between ATP concentration and the number of motile spermatozoa. This may indicate that ATP assessment may be useful as an additional, objective laboratory test.


ATP innehållet i djupfryst sperma från 28 tjurar tillhörande 6 olika tjurstationer undersöktes efter upptining med hjälp av en bioluminescence metod. Spermiemotiliteten bedömdes subjektivt i faskontrastmikroskop. Spermiekoncentrationen framräknades med hjälp av Bürkerkammare.

Medel ATP innehållet (± S.D.) i upptinad sperma var 16.6 ± 5.5 nmol ATP/spermie × 108. Medel ATP innehållet varierade påtagligt mellan olika tjurstationer. Den observerade signifikanta skillnaden mellan tjurar i spermiernas ATP innehåll, liksom den signifikanta korrelationen mellan antalet rörliga spermier och ATP innehållet indikerar att mätning av ATP innehållet i sperma skulle kunna användas som en objektiv laboratorietest.


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Söderquist, L., Stålhammar, EM. Relationship between ATP Content and Motility in Bovine Spermatozoa with Reference to the Effects of the Bull and the A.I.Centre. Acta Vet Scand 32, 353–359 (1991).

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