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Canine Lymphocytic Plasmocytic Enteritis: An Immunopathological Investigation of Intestinal Plasma Cells

Lymfocytær-plasmacytær enteritis: En immunopatologisk undersøgelse af plasmaceller i tarmen


The numbers of IgA-, IgG- and IgM-containing plasma cells in the lamina propria of duodenum, jejunum, ileum, and coecum were quantitated in 3 patients suffering from lymphocytic plasmacytic enteritis and 3 normal control dogs. A great increase was found in all 3 types of plasmacells and at all levels of the intestinal tract. Especially the IgG-containing cells showed a remarkable increase particularly in 2 patients. The possible reasons for these heavy infiltrations of immunologically competent cells are discussed, and chronic antigenic stimulations of food origin is suggested.


Antallet af IgA, IgG og IgM producerende plasmaceller i lamina propria i duodenum, jejunum, ileum og coecum blev bestemt hos 3 patienter med lymfocytær-plasmacytær enteritis og 3 normale kontrol hunde.

Der fandtes en stor stigning i alle tre typer plasmaceller på alle niveauer af tarmkanalen. De IgG holdige plasmaceller viste en særlig markant stigning specielt hos 2 patienter. Mulige årsager til disse voldsomme infiltrationer af immunologisk kompetente celler diskuteres, og en kronisk fødemiddel antigen stimulation foreslåes.


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Vïbe-Petersen, G. Canine Lymphocytic Plasmocytic Enteritis: An Immunopathological Investigation of Intestinal Plasma Cells. Acta Vet Scand 32, 221–232 (1991).

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